
Coventry are number-1

I can struggle to dress myself well at times, the colour-coordination gene has passed me by, that’s just the way it is, however I can do something about this by having a little help from Stephanie, a personal shopper at Nordstrom.

Football players don’t have the sane freedom, they wear what they are given and in 1978 Coventry gave their players what is probably the most infamous kit of all time. When footy fans get together to discuss ugly shirts exhibit A is THAT Coventry Kit.

It was shit-brown.

Admiral were the kit suppliers and created a new range of kits in the mid-70’s which featured an alarming triple stripe that curved in from the sides of the shirt and ran all the way down to the bottom of the shorts. Coventry had it in the tasteful hues of sky blue, white and navy blue. For their home kit.

At some point there must have been a meeting, probably the chairman and maybe a couple of directors sitting round a table listening to a pitch from Admiral about next seasons away strips.

Maybe it happened after a long liquid lunch, or a couple of whiskeys in the boardroom, but at some point in time one of the Coventry executives must have been the first to say “Yeah, I like that idea.” I’d love to know what went through the minds of the others present at that moment.

Only excessive alcohol, LSD or perhaps an envelope full of used notes could have made this a good idea. What ever caused this total lapse of reason led to Coventry spending the next couple of seasons visiting their opponents wearing something that looked like it was pooped out.

More than thirty years later whenever someone talks about ugly shirts, they all know they are arguing over second place. For nothing will ever be worst than that Coventry shirt.

Coventry are number-1, it’s not often they get to say that.

1 Comment

  • Nice contribution, the final paragraph really sums it all up. All others really are arguing about who comes second in this race to the bottom. That’s the 1987 FA Cup and the worst shirt, better than some teams!

    Nice one, Andy.

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