
It’s time for “that beginning of the month” picture again…

And it’s looking rather green now. It’s been the wettest April ever recorded in Seattle and that’s been good for the greenery.  The grass is growing, the weeds have largely been pulled up and the “green belt” is starting to live up to it’s name. It’s beautiful out there.

This weekend I got a very interesting offer to do something new, outside of aero. I’ve been thinking about this for a while and that it may be time to leave the safety net of my current job and go do something different. I’ve been there for a long time and as I’m making breaks in other parts of my life, I think it’s time for a change professionally, to use the skills I have and stretch myself professionally at something totally new.

Over the next two or three months it’s time to transition to a new job, get a little more creative and create the framework for something new and different. There has been a lot of thought and advice and I think the move is the right thing. I’m very excited.


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