
Queen of the skies

It weights over 400 tons fully loaded, carries 415 people 7,000 miles around the world and all this is done 6 miles up in the air at 615 miles an hour.

I get the physics of how it flies and I used to work on the 747 prgram, but it still amazes me what this incredible machine does. And it’s been flying in various versions since 1969. Don’t let anyone tell you machines don’t have souls.


  • Is that Dave Kean or is it Super Mario? ( ) Nothing quite as scary as your sweaty crutch being thrust into a certains guy’s face first thing in the morning just to spark him off! LOL Yes you know the one, he drove that nice light blue Hyundia.
    How’s about including us in one of your blogs at some point 🙂

  • Hello boys, I don’t recall the sweatey crotch thrusting, but I’m not saying it did not happen.

    How’s life at the current incarnation of TUK?

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