
Are you serious?

The are moments when I am handed gifts that make me go “WTF… Are you serious?” Well, today I got a couple of those in my e-mail.

First is the email that arrived this evening that the author ended “LMAO”. Apparently my ex posted a personal ad on the internet with the phrase “no strings attached” in it. Yes I’m sure I’m going to be accused of being inaccurate, but I stand by everything I write. Its funny to see, it was sent to me for grins. She has made some interesting choices in life, making accusations was never an issue for her and was happy to make some very serious ones against me. If she wants this stuff to go away, all she has to do is take care of her bills, stop delaying, listen to her lawyer, we can have this done in a week or two and everything goes away.

I can’t make this stuff up.

Click in it a couple of times to get a full size one...

As for the other gift, that can wait for another day, but it’s far more awesome and needs to be used at the right time.

I was playing with my stats again and the visitor who searches every day by my ex’s name. Apparently I’m making it up or manipulating my stats, but it could never anyone with anything against her. She believes she has not crossed anyone, and clearly some people don’t agree with that. My ex was looking at this chart again yesterday afternoon, so I figured I’d update it for her.

This shows that there is one person who has visited 50 times in the last 6 weeks or so, all from the same Blackberry. On some days it dipped down to 0 visits, but no worries, she made up for it in other days. It’s all very strange.

Tags : ExHumourLMAO
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