• Hello, I have been to the market. It’s is a beautiful city that you live in and so much to see. The view acorss the sea in the summer is beautiful.

    Enjoy the a-to-Z

  • Remember that Man U also beat Arsenal 8-2 in a match that actually cotnued so losing to them 7-0 doesn’t say much bad about Seattle. It also kinda legitimizes the Cosmos and MLS Alstar’s failures against them. Man U’s not just doing that against American sides, they’re doing that to everyone. Losing the Champions League title in their own backyard left a sour taste in their mouths.

  • im a die hard chicago fire fan! but i kind of knew they would lose. they had a holribre season and barley anyone goes to the games anymore which is weird because they used to be packed! but this was an awesome game to watch! good job sounders! till support my fire though!! maybe next season ..

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