At time I have a rather busy life and while I like that, I am an introvert. I need time alone to reflect, to recharge and quiet time is very important to me. Being in large groups can be fun, I certainly appreciate it, but at the same time they can be draining and I can’t do it all the time.

Some of the best quiet time comes behind the wheel of a car on a quiet road. There are few distractions and I get to concentrate on the the road around me, for whatever reason it works for me.


  • Driving on a quiet road is a great way to wind down. I love this photo. It’s peaceful just looking at it.

  • Thanks Pam, it is relaxing. This was an afternoon drive in Sweden last year along the Baltic coast. It is a beautiful country.

  • Yes, lovely photo. I loved the bit of Sweden I saw – years ago, when I was 16.
    I need time alone, too, but it can be dangerous – I mean, I get a LOT of alone time (I work mainly from home, the girls are at school 4 days a week, have activities on Wednesdays and spend time with my ex at weekends, so most of the time it’s just me and the cat) and I know that I can fall very quickly into almost hermit-like status. This past week, for example, with the girls in Paris, I left the house twice in 8 days, once on Friday to meet with a student, once the next day to get some shopping. I need to be forced into the company of others. Once I’m with friends, I’m fine, but making that first step is hard (for me, anway, because I’m pretty shy and reserved).

  • I don’t enjoy driving like I used to, but back in the day when I lived in New Mexico where there were very long stretches of low trafficked highways, I just that. Now, I enjoy the darkness of the movie theatre before the previews start. Not exactly quiet but it feels private even if I’m in a crowd.

  • Hi Dave. Picked you up from your comment on my blog.

    What a fascinating and varied blog you have here. Livelier than mine, which tends to concentrate on life as a writer.

    As for quiet, before I retired I spent man years up and down the roads in the UK. Never as peaceful as the view above, but it naturally lent itself to contemplation… with eyes on the road, naturally.

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