Last night I was driving from the Eastside into Seattle to meet some friends for Sushi and of course the traffic on the bridge was awful.  Enjoyed a fun evening, are big pile of sushi and enjoyed a fun evening. On the way home I got rear-ended in the Land rover. The Honda that hit me was far worse off, but no one was hurt, after all he hit a Land Rover with a tow hitch. This morning I called the car insurance company to discover the policy was about to be canceled for non-payment.

This has been an interesting week with a lot going on. Biggest is I got back into my house, that feels really good. The condition of the place was way worse than expected, but that’s for the courts to determine.

I am actually worried about her mental state. The house was a pigsty, there was urine soaked cat litter and puddles of collected cat urine under the litter pans. The living room smelt of urine, I assume the dogs, and there was dried dog feces under the sofa that was left behind.

On top of that the fridge was dirty, there was mouse droppings in one of the kitchen cupboards (traps were laid and two mice caught) and so on, and so on. The house was very poor and the master bath was really bad.

There is nothing there that can’t be fixed by very through cleaning and while it shows how white trash she is, it’s only time and a little application. It’s worrying that the kids were living here, while they are not my kids it’s another indication about how marginal a parent she really is. She would regularly rip on their father for the state of his house, it was better than what I found here.

Even after I left she would call to talk about how much the kids were behaving badly, not doing what they were asked and how they were really getting on her nerves. Appearance is very important to her, and externally she tries to pretend she is a good, involved parent. Just one example of the many, even though she was out of work one of the kids still went to day car in the morning so she would not have to take her to school herself.

Moving on from the state of the house, which was disturbing, and while I’m sure she has her excuses for the state of the place, she has had months to prepare to give me my house back.

This week another could of disturbing things happened, first was a call from my lawyer that I was accused to dropping her from my medical insurance. I did not, the benefit provider did because she now had her own. It would have taken a three minute phone call to HR to sort everything out, but no we have to run through a fire drill based on (to quote a lawyer) “accusations and threats, but no actual proof”. I was threatened with a contempt motion, with no basis in reality. It’s just more proof about what I had to say last week about her being totally convinced she is in the right despite evidence to the contrary.

This is a bill that gets paid from her account and there is very clear precedence that she has been responsible for this bill. You can imagine my surprise, this was the first I’d heard of it. I have all the proof I need.

Yes, the irony after the false accusations coming a couple of days after the medical insurance farce is clear.

We wont even get into her deciding she is not paying for the car or the overdraft here. As a mutual friend said “you can take the woman away from the white trash, but you will never take the white trash out of the woman.”

I am making the changes I need to in my life, and I’m working hard in making myself the person others deserve to be around, I’m emerging from this a better person and will be fine. She is just trash and this week has been more proof.

One thing she needs to remember when telling her stories is I left her, and I was the one that left her, for a control freak that’s tough. I left, I’m happy I left and it was the right thing to do.

1 Comment

  • Dave, I’m sorry to hear about Heathexs choices, she feels totally justified and as you’ve said when you measure things in money, it does make people do strange things. I believe that you deserve better and she is paying for her choices and what she has said in the past.

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