
Another interesting day

I got a lot done outside the house, not everything I wanted too, but the weather was beautiful and it seemed a shame to be inside. It’s been an emotional couple of days, in part it’s that time of year, and in part there are more discoveries about that house and what someone thinks is acceptable. At least I know the court stuff is going my way.

One of the things I did get round to doing was taking care of the trash that seems to have been thrown off the deck at some point. I spoke to one of the nehbours while I was out there and learned some of what went on in my house while I was not here last August and September. There were maybe two dozen beer cans and bottles either thrown off the deck and 12 bottles of wine, including one that had smashed on a rock when it was thrown off the deck. Out of everything that I pulled out of the greenbelt the mot disturbing was a couple of used diapers. Only a couple of people in my ex’s circle have babies, and I believe one is better than that.

This is fucking disgusting, really who throws used beer cans, let alone diapers off the deck? Or perhaps more to the point, who allows their friends to do that? The second part is easier to answer than the first.

Here is one of the loads I found, this was maybe half of what I pulled out and put in the recycling. It turns out my ex and her “boyfriend” (some one elses words, not mine) spent a few summer evenings sitting on the deck getting trashed. So once again I get to deal with more hypocrisy. I know I’ve never drunk bud-light, so it makes sense. I think I’ve shown rather comprehensively already that some people are trash, and here is more proof.

Thank you all for your support, email and messages. This is  tough week and I appreciate it.


  • Dave, I’m sorry that one again you have to deal with the trash and aftermath of the shit that was going on last summer. You are a good guy in a bad situation. You really are and this will soon be over.

  • While you and I have had our disagreements in the past, I do believe that you are in a far better place now and am glad you are happy now. I think I’m starting to understand some of the pressures that you had on you, and it was unfair. You were clear about [my role with in the family] and that was never respected.

    [My ex] made some bad decisions and she does not like the consequences [removed].

    Take it easy and will see you around again.

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