
My name is David

I have been given an opportunity to take part in an incredible adventure. My life is full of meaning, I have reconnected with friends and family in ways I’ve never known. I am loved, appreciated and feel overwhelmed by what people have done for me over the last couple of weeks.

What is important has been completely re-written for me. I have a new understanding that changed so much of what I believe in. I have been challenged, my friends and family have been challenged by this, and together we will not be found wanting.

I have been humbled, tested and inspired by the people I choose to share my life with. It is my privilege to have these people in my life, and every day these unassuming, modest people do something incredible and pass it off as nothing.

This has changed my life. And I have no doubt will continue to do so in ways I can’t imagine today. And I get six weeks of not working if I want it, I will catch up on my sleep, my reading, meet new people, and at the end of it have a  new appreciation for all the energy I have.

My name is David, and I have cancer.


  • … and you are one of the strongest persons I’ve known in my life. I’m glad to read that you have such great and caring friends around you, you deserve it.

  • Dave, you had me in tears again today. A agree that you are a strong person, and you’ve been through so much in the last years. You are a better person and we are just delighted to be part of this.

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